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Why you should work with a corporate service provider

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Why you should work with a corporate service provider

Corporate Service Provider helps with company incorporation and take over almost all functions of running an enterprise so the business owner can concentrate on his core idea and set up to become a successful entrepreneur. Every business goes through different kinds of challenges but common challenges such as maintaining accounting records, registering and filing vat returns and payroll and various other corporate compliance. As a startup or a small and medium enterprise, it is often impractical to build up fixed recurring costs in form of large resources of the workforce. It is essential to keep businesses lean, agile & efficient. This flexibility is garnered by engaging a corporate service provider. Outsourcing such work would let businesses focus on their core work and get it done professionally and economically.

Who is a Corporate Service Provider?

Corporate Services mean the activities involved in providing support services to businesses be it internal or external, the services are provided by experienced knowledgeable professionals. A Corporate Service provider is a professional entity who provides business support solutions to other businesses such as Company Incorporation & Registration, Company Secretary, Accounting, Taxation, Resident Visas processing, Nominee Directors, Legal services Business Consulting, business addresses for correspondence amongst others.

Engaging a Corporate Service Provider

The initial phase of a business is the most critical and important part of the journey. Getting the help of a professional is required, in deciding what type of company is suitable for your nature of business, the legal formalities required to be done etc. Also, with increasing demand from regulators and investors for the highest standards of corporate governance and stringent compliance with a growing list of complex regulations, more and more businesses are turning to professional corporate service providers for expert help.

Some of the key advantages of engaging a Corporate Service provider are:

A One-stop Solution:
All the necessary legal requirements will be taken care by the corporate service provider. Basically, outsourcing important non-core activity to a third party to focus on core activity. Hiring a corporate service provider would reduce the workload of the business.

Cost Effective:
A startup or business need not have an in-house team to do all these services and better outsource it to a third party. The corporate service provider because of the huge volumes of businesses he is dealing with would provide the services at a very low cost to the startup or business.
Saves Time:
You have professionals doing your work, it will definitely save time. The professionals include lawyers, accountants, bankers etc. The specialized knowledge they possess would not only be helpful about your business support services but also that they can help you connect to potential investors, partners etc.
 Professional Services:

Corporate service providers do these services as their main profession across a plethora of client ranging from startup to matured larger organizations and therefore have the necessary expertise to manage the affairs of your venture efficiently.
Why Freemont Oneworld Group?
Freemont Oneworld Group merger between Freemont Group, founded in 2001 and operating in Dubai since 2006, and Oneworld Mideast, a subsidiary of the prestigious corporate service provider Oneworld, active in Cyprus for over 30 years. We are an established Company with a vastly experienced team of members who are passionate professionals ready to help your business grow in UAE. The team, apart from standard services offered by any corporate service provider, can advise you on the right structure for your business and connect you with financial institutions to set up your banking operations with ease.

Do you wish to stay informed?

Thank you for your interest in Freemont Group, the specialists in company formation, asset protection and legal and advisory . Feel free to contact us with any inquiry you might have. We will provide you with a free initial consultation, and a customized solution for your personal situation.