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Register Trademark in UAE

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Register Trademark in UAE
A trademark refers to such distinctive forms such as words, titles, logos, figures, drawings, names, signatures, hallmarks, seals, pictures, engravings, advertisements, packaging, slogans, or any other mark or group of marks either to distinguish its owner’s products, goods, and services. Such goods, products, and services are meant to be protected and to indicate the source of such goods/ products, owner due to its manufacturing, selection, or trading, or to indicate the rendering of a service.

UAE is committed to the protection of trademarks and implement regulatory standards and maintain an effective infringement and enforcement framework. The Federal Trademark Law no. 8 of 2002 amends the previous legislation of 1992 and protects trademarks registered in UAE.

Registration with the Ministry of Economy

The Ministry of Economy is the competent authority to grant trademark registration in UAE. The process of trademark registration The way to safeguard the interest of the investors and their rights, producers or manufacturers from counterfeit and curbing all commercial fraud and related fraudulent methods is by registering Trademark with the Ministry of Economy.

Advantages of Trademark registration
  1. Helps secure the ownership rights and secure businesses: The UAE law safeguards and protects the registered trademarks from any kind of infringement and duplication and provides trademark owners the right to enforce protection against counterfeited items.
  1. Creation of asset value: Trademarks are non-tangible assets of a business and are entitled to be legally protected and such protection can be enforced in the court of law. Registered trademark creates a sense of trust, promotes product goodwill, and improves the company’s brand image in the market.
  1. Increase firm credibility: Due to trademark registration, a business can improve its identity, reputation and gain recognition among its customers.
  1. Protection against confusingly similar marks: Registering a trademark ensures that businesses have their exclusive right to operate under the given trademark, prevent trademark infringement and protect a brand/ or an innovation from exploitation.
  1. Use of registered symbol: The symbol “®” can be used after a trademark has been registered. It indicates that a trademark has been entered into the official registry and is prohibited for reuse by anyone else.
Documents required to register a trademark
  • Copy of Applicant’s Passport
  • Copy of Visa Page
  • Copy of Emirates id of authorized signatory
  • Company Trade license
  • Description of goods/services
  • Sample of the logos to be registered
  • Notarized Power of Attorney

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